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Do leave ur footprints before u leave (:

Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit.
-Peter Ustinov


22 Nov '89
Fengshan Primary
Tanjong Katong Sec
Meridian JC


My Dearest
E Usuals of o6s2o2


Layout ©

ME. kynzgerl
CODES. manikka
The 2 paper heart: moargh.de
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

ok lets see. went to see fireworks festival/celebration/competition last sat with the usuals. (: met up with them in the evening at city hall for dinner before that. the fireworks were fantastic!! :D so happy. haha. too bad i didnt have a camera if not i would take videos of it. but oh well. it is nicer if it lasts only for that few seconds. right? it wouldnt be as nice if it is captured in a camera. (:

went out for lunch with dear on sunday at TM. had mos burger and jalan-ed around a while. craved for Starbuck's dark mocha frappucino since sat. lol. but in the end the cashier told me it's only available during the promotion period. T.T sadded. had mocha frappucino instead. i want my dark mocha frappucino!! )):

something interesting happened in the morning today. lol. was supposed to meet stuck at 9.30am to pass him his lecture notes and timetable which he asked me to print the night before. in the end i woke up late and he went off for his 10am lecture. so there i was standing at the buona vista bus stop waiting for a 2nd 95 (did not manage to squeeze up the 1st one -.-). as i was about to board the 95 i felt a tap on my shoulder. and guess what? it was BLUR FANGYI! LOL. and here's what the joke was. we're having lessons at 12pm every monday and there she was at the bus stop at 10am. the usually reach-right-on-time-for-lesson fangyi will definitely not go school 2hours before time. lol. so it was because she remembered the lesson time wrongly. she still insisted that she was confirm correct at first. lol. hilarious la. we were laughing on the bus to school and she was complaining about going home to slp. xD so in the end she pei me shuting and kailing for lunch with her mac breakfast. haha.

asked my sl shu shan during choir practice just now if i can be transferred to S1. i was auditioned again after practice and i "passed". yup. so i'm in S1 now (: back to singing my familiar part (: got a lift home from jeremy's dad after practice. which was very nice of his dad (: if not i would have reached home at 11pm plus like last thurs. zz.

ok. gtg sleep now. lecture at 8am tmr. zzz.

Friday, August 22, 2008

this week is coming to an end soon and days have passed by faster than the week before to me. probably because i was occupied for the past few days which was kinda good? (:

lets see... went for nuschoir audition on monday evening. don't think i did well for the audition. or should i say i sang quite badly. lol. my pitching is not as accurate as before and i was even laughing at myself during the audition when i know i sang wrongly for the funny scales. couldnt help it. =x my skills are really rusty le. lol. didnt sing gloria well either. was supposed to breathe in deep for a well support at the high-notes part. i was a little too nervous in the end that i forgot to take in a deep breath -.- so yup. anyway i've already got into choir (: with 65 other new members. haha. was kinda shocked when i saw the long list. didnt expect that many ppl.

tuesday was nus breakers event. went over to help out as a helper as asked to by andrew. basically it was a record breaking cum charity event. the aim was to get the nus cohort to fold 10000 pinwheels within an hour and 48cents will be donated by the sponsors to charity for each pinwheel folded. there was also ice kachang eating which aimed to get as many ppl to eat ice kachang at the same time and 50cents will be donated for each bowl of ice kachang consumed. folded alot of pinwheels on that day. lol. quite a crowd came too to do charity. had this feeling that i cant really describe. i felt weird but at the same time happy. it was a weird but good feeling i suppose? lol. during that one hour of pinwheel folding we had lots of different ppl from different faculties all coming together, having the same aim in mind and cutting papers and folding pinwheels frantically. we may not know each other but we were standing side by side and having the same goal in mind. if u get what i mean (: so we've managed to set a record of folding 11553 pinwheels within an hour :D

had my first nuschoir practice about 8 hours ago. learnt the choir anthem and a new latin piece. guess i didnt sing my best for scaling during the audition. i am posted to S2 ): gonna ask on monday's practice if i can be transferred to S1. have been singing S1 for 6 years. really not comfortable with singing S2. the range and placement are all different and i was having quite a difficult time during practice just now trying to sing properly. haiz.

wasnt really in a good mood this whole week and i wonder why. something just keeps bothering me. or should i say some things. i'm not even sure of it myself. maybe it's just one of the usual worrying-spells again. rawr!!

on a random note. i realised after studying in nus for 2 weeks that singapore is a really teeny weeny world. lol. i've met quite a handful of people who indirectly have some links with me. in sow camp was the 2 senior-seniors wei keat and benjy. and then there came gerard and raymond. lol. gerard turned out to be dear's sis'(weitin's) bf's(honwei's) friend! we didnt know this connection throughout the whole camp until one day i saw that familiar face in honwei's facebook photo. haha. like so qiao la! and raymond one is even more qiao! he is my tk classmate evelyn's brother! hahaha. it's a small world after all~

weekend is coming again and that is something to look forward to. BUT dear will be having overnight duty this sat! T.T oh well. not like it's the first time. zz. will get to hang out with the usuals whole of this sat then. since i haven't been seeing them alot lately (: gonna go watch fireworks competition at singapore river! wee~!! :D :D

omg gonna wake up in like 3 hours time for school =x nites and till then!!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

heiyohhs! hahaha. went to st james power station last night for ntu's union camp pageant event. yvonne low was gorgeous last night!! u were great darling! :D

anyway st james is lousy. they have faulty and low resolution projectors. lol. and the mc last night wasnt good too. =x other than that the event was ok. hehe. cabbed back home after that with lixian cos it was too late. painful sia T.T

talked to yakai today about which cca i should join. haha. decided on nuschoir in the end. he said i can still join vocal consort too since it is quite slack. cos there will be no practices for consort if there are no projects. plus there is only like 3 hours of practice per week. so yup.

talked to rachel about it just now too. haha. and she encouraged me to join (: audition will be at 6.30pm tmr. zz. kinda late. but nvm. haha. i ending school at 4pm. and i have my darling iris to pei me after that! wee~!! hahaha. :D

gotta prepare a song for tmr's audition somemore. lucky rachel told me if not i would have gone there with no song prepared. lol. worst is i have thrown all my scores away when i moved house! and my poor memory didnt have any remnants of whatever songs i've learnt in mjchoir. LOL. but lucky i still remember Gloria which i sang in tkchoir. hahaha. so gonna sing that tmr. (:

gonna wake up tmr morning to do some warm up myself. lol. just recovered from a cough and i'm still having a stucky voice. if u get what i mean. haha. good thing lesson starts at 12 tmr (: hehehe. must prepare myself well right. if not sia suay myself if they gonna know i from tk and mjchoir. mjchoir student conductor somemore =x wish me luck ppl! :D

Monday, August 11, 2008

1st day at nus tdy! lol. seems very happy eh? but actually no la. cant believe school already started le T.T time flies so fast! still remember about 8months ago the girls and i were still complaining about our shitty jobs and lamenting that we'd prefer schooling to the guys. and now school is here! lol. how self-contradicting we were!

oh well. yup. school has officially started with "Principles to Modern Chemistry" lecture at 12noon. lol. its more of a physics lecture to me. dots. was still hoping that i can wash my hands off physics after i step into fos majoring chemistry. but...oh well. what to do. all sciences have links with each other right. zz. so first lecture was on Quantization of Atoms. like "WOW~ QUANTUM PHYSICS!!". -.-.-.- and then names like de Broglie, planck constant, blablabla started to appear on the following slides. -.-.-.- so good for a chemistry lecture.

but lucky thing was the angmoh lecturer we got is good :D he has his unique ways of explaining and describing the difficult-to-understand stuff in quantum. plus he is humorous! hahahaha. like so lucky la. difficult to get by a good lecturer ya. so 1st lecture was entertaining yet enriching. managed to understand every single thing he taught. which felt good :D

2nd lecture wasnt as lucky. got a hongkie lecturer. or is he from china. not very sure. lol. he just has a funny accent which is difficult to comprehend. plus he claimed that he is suffering from a cold so that explained his muffled voice which further worsened his already incomprehensible accent. ok. shouldnt comment too much. =x hahaha.

so there was practically nobody paying attention during the lecture. lol. and the lecturer just went on blabla-ing. kinda pitiful. =x those who brought their lappies with them had it switched on. and there were msn-ing and facebooking all over the lecture theatre. haha. one guy even best la. he started playing maplestory! LOL. so 2nd lecture was literally waiting for time to pass. nothing much to learn too as it was mainly introduction to the module. yup.

ended at about 3.30pm. met up with shuting and wanted to go vivocity initially. but we hung around in school and chatted till about 5pm and decided not to go anymore. lol. in the end she went dinner with her ogmates and i headed home.

so thats about it for 1st day at NUS. not quite used to 2hours of lecture period yet. its looonnng and tiring u know. especially when...ok shouldnt talk too much about it. hahahahahaha. xD oh well. shall go turn in soon. maths lecture at 8am tmr. @_@ oh. and i dun feel like going school tmr. i only have that one and only lecture which ends at 10am. -.- travel all the way to ulu west just for a 2-hour lecture. fei enough. zz.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

back from part2 of camp on friday. lunched at vivocity kimgary with seniors daphne, diya, valencia, houying and ogmates grace and weitong. headed straight home after that. tired la. haha.

monday was freshman inauguration ceremony. it was a waste of time to go actually =x haha. nothing much at the ceremony. only that the 'big heads' were introduced on stage and speeches were given by the dean of nus and president of nussu. and there was a few performances by a few arts performing groups.

tuesday was nus flag day. reached yishun at about 6.30am to start flagging at 7am. iris and i were sent to sembawang for flagging together with kuanchieh and andrew. sembawang is really a so-not-suitable place for flagging. it was still ok in the morning as the working class will be streaming to the mrt station. by the time it was afternoon there are hardly any crowds as sembawang is mainly a neighbourhood area. lunched at a food court with shunyi and zhisheng. wanted to sneak off after lunch to watch money no enough actually. haha. even called my sp to join us. lol. but in the end our conscience got over us and we decided to flag instead. so sorrie sp =x haha. decided to go admiralty to see if it will be better over there. not any better actually lol. or should i say i am a lousy flagger =x really dun feel good at asking ppl for donations. flagging ended at 4pm. home sweet home after that for dinner.

had og outing on wednesday afternoon at the settler's cafe@holland village with og conan. the outing was quite ok. played cherades most of the time there. haha. went back to nus after that to help the rag com out. did some cutting and sticking and watched their full-dressed rehearsal. bla bla bla... slept at about 5.30am. haha. had macs for supper before that and played abit of mahjong and dai dee with the seniors. got to know a senior called weekiat who was from tk and mj! haha. singapore is too small.

thursday was amazing race outside school called 'crack ur heads till the cows come home'. each og was given clues to different places to complete tasks. something similar to MMM in mj orientation just that we were allowed to take public transport as many times as we want this time. the neutral party that was allocated to my og was a senior call benjy. and guess what? he was from tk and mj too! hahaha. so that makes 2 senior-seniors already. lol. went around singapore east-westerly. amount spent on public transport that day was enough to burn a hole in my pocket T.T lol. returned to nus at about 6plus for bbq and grand finale of SOW camp.

friday was nus rag day which is a sister event of flag day. each faculty and hall will spend about 3 months before this event to design and build floats and come up with a story with songs and dance for performance on rag day itself. the public will be allowed to join us on rag day too. kind of a thanksgiving event for the public on their contributions to flag day. it is also a competition among faculties and halls on their floats and performance. business faculty won the overall champion again this year. and fos won the best float design award. (:

so that was about it for part2 of camp. tiring but fun. made alot of new friends and seniors during this camp and i think that's what makes it most worthwhile for me. (: i believe shuting, iris and kailing have the same sentiments as me. lucky we still managed to get into the camp despite of our late registration and balloting. lol.

so it was national day yesterday. met up with zhu en, shu kit, boonwei, allie, jingyuan and dear at the settlers' cafe@clarke quay. it was sort of a farewell gathering for shu kit as he will be leaving for hongkong to study in mid-august. went to marina square after that with only dear, jingyuan and zhu en to watch ndp airshow and fireworks. haha. airshow this year is nicer than the past! (: fireworks was ok. not much difference as past years. the crowd around city hall and raffles place is crazy. haha. left immediately after the fireworks ended, just in time before the ndp crowd oozed out. hahaha.

school is starting tmr ): although 1st week has only lectures but it's already hectic enough. imagine 2nd week onwards with practical and tutorials. O.O my thursdays are the most disgusting days. lessons start from 10am all the way to 5pm. i can just crawl home after that. oh well. shouldnt think about it too much yet. will jus have to take what it comes ba. haha. just reminded of what sengtuck told me yesterday: welcome to NUS. -.-

Sunday, August 3, 2008

ok. finally changed my blogskin. u all shud be able to read now (:


heiyohhs ppl! finally back from SOW part1 camp! haha. camp was fun and tiring. with sore throats and lotsa bruises and lame cheers and new friends. haha. overall was ok la. but i still prefer mj orientation camps though. =x

reported at 9am on day1 for briefing. each house was allocated a LT for sleeping. i'm in the yellow house named Jappai and my og name is L. the four houses in the camps are all named under countries and the four ogs in each house are either named after cartoon characters or some popular characters frm the countries. like for my house Jappai comes frm the word Japan and we had ogs L, conan, near and naruto. sounds fun right? haha. and my og's identity is a fake lollipop! haha. learned quite alot of new cheers too. guess it's the FOS culture ba. lol. the cheers are mostly in hokkien and chinese. haha. and my house cheers are even better. i think leayee will love to be in my house. LOL. wanna know what i mean can ask me personally. but i guess leayee get what i mean. hor leayee? hahahaha. xD

rest of the days were jus game playing. had ice breaker games and some og-bonding games in the field. the weather werent very nice throughout the whole camp. mostly sunny with no clouds. so it was dam hot. there was mass dance learning also. their mass dances are very simple i shud say. compared to mj ones. haha. so learning it was easy. one of them was even an indian song. lol. and kenneth can actually guess the song when i told him. lol. he can even sing! hahahahaa. like any other uni camps there was sp session too. had to blindfold ourselves and talk to each other for a few nights. and then there was sp dinner on the last night. there was night walk, fear stations and we even went to sentosa on sat for games and house war. wanna know the details can ask me personally. lazy to type everything out. lol. plus i dun really quite rmb what we had for each individual days. i'm really having ultra short term memory during the camp. didnt have enough slp la. lol.

break camp ytd at abt 6pm. washed up and met the usual ppl for dinner at vivocity. ng kenneth leayee and yonghuang went. talked alot with them abt the camp with shuting and iris. had superdog and then headed straight home. the barang barang frm camp was enough to tire me out.

woke up at 2pm today. gonna have sort of a day-camp thing on mon to wed and then a stayover on thurs. so the whole SOW camp will end on fri. gonna have freshman inauguration ceremony tmr. have to wear office wear somemore. sian la. dunno shuting they all going anot. haiz.

oh ya. and there's my stupid blogskin giving me probs. will try to get it changed asap. blogskins nowadays are like so not nice. cant really find one i like. probably will have to sui bian get one first. zz. ok that's all for now. next post will be aft part2 camp ba. see ya! (:

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

wahahaha..finally finished packing and planning of modules! gonna go have my precious sleep now @_@

off to orientation camp tmr morning! ppl dun miss me ya? LOL.

will be back by sat. till then (:

Monday, July 21, 2008

hello there!

yup. here's my fresh new blog. (: have deleted the old one as it's not updated for almost a year plus. also because there're memories during that period of time which i prefer not to remember if i can. oh well...here's the new start for new hopes that are worth looking forward to! (:

finally decided to start up a blog after some considerations. school is starting very soon in less than 2 weeks. and there will be lesser time to meet up with friends. plus the different faculties and courses we'll be going, there's hardly any chance we can have heart-to-heart talk. so blogging may be a good way for us to keep each other updated?

ok. shall end here for the time being. nothing to blog about yet. lol . holidays are just so boring when u're poor and have a boyfriend restricted by ns. haha.